How come Antarctica covers
the whole bottom of
the map...?
The "reigning" map comes in various executions, however the best comparison for NASAs picture of the world to the reality of a flat earth, is to enter into Google Earth. On Google Earth you have several options of exploring:
1. Try and measure the area they mapped out for Antarctica - the result might puzzle you...
2. I do recommend trying the same thing in the north: which will be an oxymoron in of itself: particularly because the measurements will result in the same figure as in the south, but also because it on the world map of today is nothing but water in the north. Whatever happened to the area called the North pole - the area that according to Admiral Byrd was considered to be "crowded" back in 1954? This area is no longer on our maps, but clearly something is out there/up there...
The World Cup:
Playing in Doha, Qatar
The players fly back home to
Buenos Aires
- - why are they travelling via Roma? - -
Watch this 3 minute clip...

Gleasons map from 1892,
an updated version of the Azimuthals map.

Azimuthal equidistant map from 1100-talet. This map is the forerunner of the map below that is still used in the Air force today.

Airmap 1945 - still used for calculations in the
Air force. If the earth was a globe, this would result in utter disaster...

We recognize the UN flag.
Which map is represented?
Is the Victory Wreath around it our ice wall, the real Antarctica?

Flag of International Civil Aviation Organization - once again: the same map we know they use for their calculations and navigations.

The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the same map - completed with the serpent in the middle..
The snake is the symbol of deception.

International Maritime Organization (IMO)
And even at sea: the same map is being used.

George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. Which map is laying on this floor?
Is that the firmament we see above it?
And have they placed the tree of Life in the middle?

Also the airport in Dallas has designed their floor with the same map.
Here we have a detalj of the coastguards surrounding the world.
But I'm sure that's just coincidental...

And the fountain in Australia just happens to bee a replica of the Flat Earth map - this one has "the black rock" in the middle.
In addition to the maps, it is quite interesting to look at what the world describes as "craters". According to their "facts" these are the holes created by meteorites... Apart from the obvious question of where all these meteorites are (where did they go, how and why are they removed?), I find it astonishing the resemblance these holes have with what the Bible describes as the fountains of the deep (Genesis)
Some are carrying waters, some are closed. As described - in plain sight.
"Worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Revelation 14:7

A crater.
"The fountains also of the deep (...) were stopped"
Genesis 8:2

Hot springs on Island -
a "crater" with waters in it.

"...the fountains of the great deep [were] broken up" Genesis 7:11