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The first written book on Biblical Cosmology in Swedish now available in English! It ties together important organisations and their connections to the deception by showing their origin and their purpose of existence.  

Do not miss this book: it measures the worlds facts with the Biblical perspective, and gives a lot of measurable evidences you yourself can do, and gives you tools to easily explain to someone else! By three witnesses shall any matter be decided... 


Dean Odle is pastoring the Fire & Grace Church in Opelika, Alabama - a leader who in depth teaches from the Bible and also addresses what pastors today don't seem to want to talk about, but is of huge importance for a true believer in order to separate from the world and be a holy generation, free from deception. 

Free from the fear of men, based on thorough studies in the Hebrew and Greek! 

Noahs greatgrandfather Enoch's book was not included int the Bible, but has been verified through the dead sea scrolls as well as being in consistency with the Bible. The details conserning the Biblical Cosmology is only one of the many subjects covered in this book - it should absolutely be read and compared by every believer passionate about the truth! 

The North pole - yet another area out of our reach for discovery: few are those who successfully has made this journey and lived to tell their story therefrom! 

Olaf Jansen and his fathers experiences of finding the garden of Eden when arriving here is described in this book. Fiction? Read and compare with what Admiral Byrd also writes in his journal which he was banned to share with the world while alive... Then compare it to The Bible! - an extremely exciting, emotional and educational reading that leaves the reader with a great hope! 

The fact that Jansen lived and even died a believer in Greek mythology can only add to his credibility: without the bias of any Bible believer he talks about the people living there (!) as worshipers of the God called Jehova...

Highly recommended reading!


Admiral Byrd was not allowed to tell his story from his journey to the North pole, but he chose to write his story anyway, and share it after his death. He claimed this to be his responsibility. This book alongside with The Smokey God ought to be the book that draws our attention from the south to the north regarding the area of Biblical Cosmology: the stories told confirms that our Creator is so close! His brief story of his encounter with the land up north confirms what the Word of God states: In heaven, on earth and below earth. Furthermore the descriptions of the objects known in the world as UFOs are being described. Have we not already read in Ezekiel about these beings following the angels - do their descriptions not match perfectly? 

We follow the Bible and do not let the world redefine what God has already described. (Have we not learned this about the "craters"?)

Let us stay awake, vigilant, so we be not deceived! The last deception remains to be rolled out into this world, and this is a huge part of and preparation for this very thing!

There are no aliens. There are, however, angels, both in Gods service and those working for Satan.

W a k e   U P !

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