WireLess - Revolving around The Son the sun
The First written book in Sweden concerning Biblical Cosmology, now finally available in English.
This book ties together this worlds deception with the Satanic agenda of the new world order -
a must read for every Christian!
An eyeopener, vital for the time we live in and the times that lies ahead.
Available from the publisher, Solentro.
Introducing the release of WireLess
Free PDF-file to download or just open. All the references marked * sorted by chapter ! All material just a click away - don't miss out on this bonusmaterial for verification and amazement.
Free PDF-file: the complete scriptures from the references written out - easy to follow!
All Bible references from the chapter Scriptures to Consider are found under Biblical Cosmology. The page might be altered to include verses that are not mentioned in the book, along with some notes for reflection. A great page to share with anyone asking for scriptures relating to Biblical Cosmology!