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About me

”I once was blind, but now I see”.

Walking with and knowing the Lord for half of my life is the one thing in my life worth sharing. But although this has been the reality, my eyes towards the world: it’s state and the deep level of deception we are exposed to from every angle, was for a long time the eyes of the blind. But Jesus says, that when we come to know the Truth, it will set us free. And for every believer, there is an appointed time for deeper revelation for those seeking a true relationship with and in Him – this is inevitable, because where the Light is, darkness must flee, and where the Truth is, lies will be exposed.

Even before God separated the waters above the firmament from the waters below, there was another division: the separating of the light from the darkness, Genesis 1:4.

In Revelation God says that when the new Jerusalem comes, there will no longer be any need for the light from the sun or the moon, because He, the Lamb of God, is the Light. Jesus Christ is and was and always will be the true Light of the world – literally!

This is my testimony and these are the words spoken by Him that I follow:

“Rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast see, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee; Delivering thee from the people, and from Gentiles, unto whom I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”   

Acts 26:16-18

For this purpose, and by His command, I will find every street-corner of the modern world and shout it out: That the whole world lies in the hands of the evil, and only by turning to Jesus Christ can the veils be lifted from our eyes and our hearts and we will truly see!

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My first large project was the exposing on 9/11, from which I suffered strange things happening  and after a while my website was taking down without any explanation or any trace of how to retrieve its data. Much gathered information, interviews, eyewitness movies and data that is now not longer available and took months of research to gather was lost. By the grace of God, nothing worse happened, and by the grace of God I have now learned a few more skills to maintain the information I gather on other servers than the internet. How foolish was I, to believe that my material was actually mine on the www… But now my eyes are opened.

I chose to streamline this particular web-page to the largest deception of all, since it is the deception in which a Creator is hidden, Satan does not exists and we are not important. These are all lies! However, there are many other areas God is leading me to study; explore and expose, and when the time is right, these will be linked to this site to gather all information at the same place, should I manage to do so.

Everything I do, I do on my own (speaking in human terms), so I am totally depending on Gods grace for learning the skills necessary to make websites, YouTube material and writing books. And there are more books waiting to be completed.

My desire is truly in the Word of God - I believe we are to hold it to the highest regard and I am a "book, chapter, verse" person: we should know our Bible! But I do not believe in the separation of church and state in the sense that some things are meant to be left out as areas where we as Christians should not interfere. All of Gods creation was given to man, and everything and every place is our business: we do not tolerate injustice, lies, corruption or deception on any level, rather we are to speak up against it, fearing not the judgement or dislike of any man, but only aiming to please our Creator and our Saviour. Therefore I must speak even about the things we choose to call "worldly". 

I highly recommend every Christian to read my book listed on this site, and strongly encourage everyone to start making sure you make things that are of value to you available in physical objects rather than relying on the www for information. This includes books of value as well as other items that might not be available for us in the times to come. These times will change. The wise take precautions accordingly.

In Him,

Victoria Wielgaard

W a k e   U P !

In  Him
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Victoria Wielgaard 

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